art NFT collecting

The rise of NFTs in 2021 has also led to an increased interest in the traditional art world. This, however, raised fundamental questions: Do the habits of NFT collectors also apply to art NFT collectors? Will art NFTs remain or disappear again? And what are the true motivations for collecting art NFTs?

what are the answers?

In its second, “art NFT Collecting” edition, the ART+TECH Report has set out to answer these questions by looking beyond the general NFT hype and asked 306 international art and art NFT collectors about their personal motivations and experiences when buying and collecting art NFTs.


The ART+TECH Report investigates and illuminates the interface between art, market and technology. The initiative was founded in May 2020 with the concrete intention to shed light on the influence that digitization has on a market that still operates very traditionally.

the report is now available!

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