witches in the forest

by Philip Hofmänner

The figures in white dresses dancing in a circle are signed by the author as witches. However, this is not a popular way of presenting witches as beautiful, even innocent beings who celebrate nature. However, the author chose such a performance for a number of reasons. As history tells, witchcraft is not just about this wicked side. It is also a spiritual search, a struggle to maintain harmony, as well as constant change and connection with nature. The author showed it beautifully in the artwork.

0,88 ETH

Philip Hofmänner

digital artist and filmmaker

A digital artist and filmmaker born in Zurich, Switzerland. Graduated with a Bachelor in Visual Communication/Animation from HSLU Lucerne. Winner of the prestigious NIFFF H.R. Giger Narcisse Award in Best Short Film category for his creative animation film Evermore in 2011. This film creation was shown at festivals such as 22 ° Festival Internacional de Animação do Brasil Anima Mundi in Rio de Janeiro, 9th International Animation Film Festival Animateka in Ljubljana, 6th Athens International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo, 27. Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Berlin.

His works are distinguished by a well-thought-out concept dealing with the topics of the coexistence of humanity and technology. But he also touches upon topics connected with mysticism, the genre of horror, and the relationality of art.

In addition to his art, he works successfully as a CG artist and conceptual designer for advertising, special effects for movies and architectural visualisations.


6 000 x 3 374 px

1,30 ETH

walpurgis night

4 714 x 6 000 px

1,30 ETH

witches in the forest

5 663 x 6 000 px

0,88 ETH

peculiar visitor

6 000 x 4 500 px

0,88 ETH

we are all in this together

6 000 x 4 050 px

1,30 ETH

the human condition

5 016 x 6 000 px

0,88 ETH

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