
by Endokrates

A sensational work depicting a knight fleeing from an enraged giant. This scene is remarkably similar to the one described in the Bible. It is, of course, the parable of David and Goliath, which is used very often in culture, for example in The Witcher 3, but also repeatedly presented in classical painting, for example by Titian or Caravaggio.

The dynamics of the image perfectly reflect the atmosphere of the fight, just like the colors. Yellow and brown indicate that the fight takes place in a sandy area in the summer, and the colors are just like those taken from the Hollywood movie. Also noteworthy is the warrior’s shield, which appears golden when reflecting the sun and itself takes the rank of the sun in the painting.

0,52 ETH


// Martin Treschl

digital artist

An artist from the Czech Republic. As a child, he was interested in drawing and painting, but did not pay much attention to it. Years later, he graduated from the SSUD school in Brno as a restorer of antique furniture. A few years later, however, he began to devote himself fully to digital art. He learned independently for two years, and then went to study concept art in Gdańsk at the Focalpoint School founded by Darek Zabrocki and Michał Kuś. After graduation, he started working in the entertainment industry as a concept artist. In the future, he hopes to work with a combination of traditional and digital techniques.

His art, although it’s fully digital, has a very traditional character. In the works one can see imitation of brush strokes, blur and non-ideality. All this adds up to the very impressionistic nature of his works. It gives them originality and refers to traditional techniques present in painting. The subject matter that the artist touches upon in his works is, above all, broadly understood fantasy. In his paintings appear angels, mermaids and elves. However, he does not shy away from creating classic portraits and quick studies.

amor training

1 920 x 1 184 px

0,46 ETH

elven forest

12 000 x 7 179 px

0,39 ETH


3 500 x 2 193 px

0,52 ETH


1 920 x 1 400 px

0,39 ETH


1 920  x 1 959

0,52 ETH


673 x 950

0,39 ETH

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