ghost kid

by Danny Ingrassia

Fans of the horror style should be pleased, because this is another work straight out of a nightmare. The author said that he was creating this work thinking about a girl who died suddenly in a car accident. After her death, she returned home to find her mother. Unfortunately, she did not find her, and the house that was once her oasis was deserted. Since then, she has been wandering from room to room, despairing and longing for the life she has lost. The uniqueness of this work consists primarily in the color operation, as warm colors contrast with an extremely dark message.

1,30 ETH

Danny Ingrassia

digital artist

Danny was born in Palermo, Italy. He started drawing as a child, which turned out to be his passion and he continues to develop it until today. During his adolescence, he attended an art school, and after graduating, he began his career as a tattoo artist. In the meantime, he decided to also start the Comics School in Palermo, from where he graduated and started his professional career. After this however, he decided that his destiny was not comics or tattooing, but creating illustrations. That was the time when his interest in dark art and horror surfaced. This particular passion for the genre of horror and cinema in general is clearly visible in his illustrations. Through a unique graphic design, the artist brings scary visions to life and tells entire stories with a single image. He is also known for creating scary reproductions of classic masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa or The Girl with a Pearl Earring. Today he works as an illustrator for companies and as a freelancer.


3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH

ghost kid

3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH

close that door right now

3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH

inside the walls

3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH

beyond the door

3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH


3 508 x 4 961 px

1,30 ETH

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