
by Romina Bandini

This artwork was made as a tribute to the war between Ukraine and Russia. This is how the artist writes about the work: “I concentrated more on the struggle between the different voices and opinions of the people involved. I used a sinking ship as a metaphor, and its oil or blood as a being that pollutes rulers’ decisions, represented by a giant gull holding a strand of sea monster hair in its mouth. The sea monster represents forced civilians. to become a weapon in the name of peace, but thanks to the green speck at the end of the tail, it has a strong bloom in hope. In the background, the small gulls outlined in red represent the ongoing toll of this conflict”.

1,69 ETH

Romina Bandini

illustrator / concept artist

Born in a rural coastal town in Tuscany, Italy. She has always been interested in creating stories and art since she was a kid. One of the main characters that she still draws today, is in fact, a figure built during elementary school and refined over the years.

After graduating from highschool she decided to move to Florence where she studied Animation for two years. Realizing that she wanted to continue her career as an Illustrator she took a master degree in Digital Illustration and Concept Art. Today, she is still learning through online courses and also implementing 3D elements on her arworks.

She works as a freelance concept artist focused on entertainment, especially video games, and teaches illustration and concept art at the same time. Recently, she has also been selling her own illustrations as unique works, both as traditional painting and as NFT.

Artist has a strong interest in both graphic design and traditional painting techniques, which defined the style she owns today. Her personal artworks are mostly inspired by the consequences and causes regarding struggles with mental health. The emotions of the characters involved is her main focus when thinking about art. Her unique style and choice of colors, which is extremely important in her works, masterfully show the emotional states of the figures of her illustrations.


2 480 x 3 100 px

1,69 ETH


1 880 x 2 350 px

1,69 ETH


2 566 x 2 480 px

1,69 ETH


2 952 x 1 958 px

1,69 ETH

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