
by Krzysztof Musiał

This remarkably peaceful painting appeals to the viewer not only with its calming colours, but also with its form. The central part depicts a person – the protagonist – with his back turned to the viewer. He is looking at a mountain that he intends to conquer. The white snow that shrouds it does not seem cold, and the trek to the summit seems like a trifle. A cadre of the everyday and the unusual at the same time – because not everyone is a climber, but everyone faces the metaphorical mountain every day.

The emotion absorbs the viewer thanks to the masterful composition. He feels peace, strength, courage. Thanks to the attitude of the protagonist, who is prepared for any eventuality, the viewer gains confidence that he too will succeed in overcoming his mountain – his problems.

1,00 ETH

Krzysztof Musiał


Krzysztof Musiał born in Słubice, Poland. Graduate of the WSSS in Poznań in 2001. Obtained a diploma with honours in Painting under Prof. J. Świtka and an annex in Wall Painting under Prof. M. Łubowski. In addition, 2003 graduate of the Faculty of Artistic Education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. He works as an instructor of drawing and painting at MDK No 2 in Poznań. He has also taught painting at Collegium Da Vinci in Poznań. Participated in more than a few dozen individual and collective exhibitions.

His painting centres around capturing the reality that is next to each of us. He devotes his attention to relationships, to accidental situations which at first glance are insignificant, but which ultimately turn out to be interesting and can say a lot about the human condition in the contemporary world. Musiał focuses on the moments that fill life, which we pass by indifferently.


3 402 x 2 126 px

1,00 ETH


3 402 x 2 126 px

1,00 ETH

stop II

3 402 x 2 126 px

1,00 ETH


3 118 x 3 118 px

1,00 ETH


3 368 x 3 040 px

1,00 ETH

stop I

3 175 x 3 175 px

1,00 ETH


2 551 x 2 041 px

1,00 ETH


2 900 x 1 740 px

1,00 ETH

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