
by Dominci

The broad possibilities of AI, focusing primarily on a new form of artistic expression, are being explored and tested continuously by digital artists. AI is also seen as an enhancement of human capabilities, which is particularly evident in artistic activities. It pushes the boundaries of technology and creativity, forming an entirely new quality. This quality can be seen in this artwork which is part of the Dominci x AI Collection. The artist rediscovers motifs that have been known in culture for centuries. She subjugates death and opposes it to life in an unusual, aesthetic way. By touching on borderline themes that are not commonly touched by the public, she changes the viewer’s perspective. What is also noteworthy is that immortal (non-living) technology helps to create these images, even though they are close to mortal beings.

0,21 ETH


graphic designer / new media artist

Graphic artist working strongly in the combined fields of art and technology as well as cyberculture. Deeply involved in the latest forms of new media art. Her latest AI Collection Boundary States presents creative images generated through the artist’s collaboration with a programme that applies the power of artificial intelligence (AI) based on a text-image model.

The process of creating artwork using AI begins with a command containing a sequence of words and data. The artist then makes a series of decisions determining how and in which direction the generated image should develop. After a succession of generation sessions, the creator selects a preliminary image that goes into graphic processing. One final artwork may consist of dozens or even hundreds of generated images, as well as many hours devoted to fine-tuning the final artwork using a graphics programme.

Dominci attempts to harness the power of this remarkable invention – artificial intelligence – to explore new worlds and expand the boundaries of creativity. In her collections, you will find a variety of creatures, imaginary landscapes and images depicting the relationship of man to the known and unknown world. The artist discovers themes of life and death, as well as liminal states. In an almost aesthetically pleasing way, she presents massacre images. Her art takes on apocalyptic aspects and even refers to religious beliefs.

The entire collection is a journey between the human capacity of the brain (input) and the computational power of the machine (output) culminating in an extraordinary creative performance.

art dies last

1 792 x 1 024 px

0,21 ETH


2 048 x 1 152 px

0,21 ETH

1 792 x 1 024 px

0,21 ETH


2 048 x 1 152 px

0,21 ETH


2 048 x 1 152 px

0,21 ETH

swamp lady

2 048 x 1 152 px

0,21 ETH


1 792 x 1 024 px

0,21 ETH


2 048 x 1 152 px

0,21 ETH


1 792 x 1 024 px

0,21 ETH

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