the devil

by Joanna Baumgartner

Graphic from the Tarot series. The work relating to diabolicity bears its visible symbols. The heroine of the painting is a devil, a demon tempting with her attractive appearance, exposed breasts and alluring gaze. From her head, like two horns, grow tentacles. Her pearly hair and necklace shine, tempting with wealth. Her face splits, showing her true side.

The work refers extremely strongly to the image of the femme fatale, widely used in culture and art. It depicts a tempting, deceptive and amoral woman who is supposed to bring doom to the men she encounters. The motif, however, is older than the artworks of the early 20th century. It originates from ancient beliefs. Early examples of femme fatale include the Sumerian goddess Ishtar and the Biblical Salome, as well as Lilith from the Judaic tradition.

0,59 ETH

Joanna Baumgartner

painter, graphic artist and stylist

Born in Krakow, Poland. A graduate of the Faculty of Exhibition Design at the Polish Academy of Fine Arts (PLSP), she completed her studies at the Painting Studio of Prof. S. Tabisz and the Lettering Studio of Prof. W. Regulski at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

In May 2004 she defended her diploma at the Faculty of Graphic Arts. Awarded the Rector’s Medal of the Academy of Fine Arts. Graduate of the Heatherley School of Fine Art and the Prague School of Photography, as well as the Ericsson Collage Vancouver and the Cracow School of Styling and Make-up Artystyczna Alternatywa.

She has participated in many exhibitions, including: Palace of Art group exhibition 2004 Gallery Kwadrat group exhibition 2006 Nova Gallery London solo exhibition 2010 ArtFine Berlin group exhibition 2011. Winner of competitions such as: Neofashion Jamboree, Art School in Vancouver and Artistic Alternative in Krakow: Neofashion Jamboree, Best Stylist 2015 according to Elle and Answear magazine, Project Packshoot G-Star.

the magician

2 362 x 3 307 px

0,59 ETH

the devil

2 362 x 3 307 px

0,59 ETH

the fool

2 362 x 3 307 px

0,59 ETH

the star

2 362 x 3 307 px

0,59 ETH

the lovers

1 020 x 1 442 px

0,59 ETH

the hermit

1 772 x 2 481 px

0,59 ETH

you're right

1 266 x 1 772 px

0,59 ETH

you can do it

1 181 x 1 653 px

0,59 ETH

it will pass too

1 181 x 1 687 px

0,59 ETH

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