
by Martyna Pszenniak

A futuristic portrait that is a form of free expression proposed by the artist. It leaves a lot of room for interpretation, but it is also simply a fine show of artistry. After all, the artist graduated from artistic studies, and this work is primarily a show of her skills. The dark background and the choice of gold and red colors perfectly emphasize the silhouette of the leading figure. There is something extraordinary about this figure, and its attitude resembles a monk found in meditation. The picture also has a post-apocalyptic vibe, strongly felt from the first glance.

0,80 ETH

Martyna Pszenniak

painter and digital artist

Artist born in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Graduate of painting at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Her areas of artistic interests include painting, computer graphics, experimental techniques of analog photography and reportage photography. She has participated in many displays. Her works were present at such exhibitions as Crystal Canvas Game Graphics – Mediations Biennale in Poznań and at such galleries as Łaźnia Art Gallery in Radom, Omladine House in Belgrade, Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany in Krakow.

At the beginning of her journey with art, she was engaged in painting. Back then, she experimented with a tool, often mixed techniques (mixing oil painting with spray paint, reflecting various materials and repetitive patterns), but in the case of her works in the area of digital painting, it is different. Her digital works are inspired mainly by industrial or urban climates in combination with the human individual. It is also important for her to show society through the image of the entity.


7 936 x 7 525 px

0,35 ETH


2 991 x 3 912 px

0,80 ETH


5 603 x 5 563 px

0,35 ETH


1 280 x 720 px

0,68 ETH

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