charity auction Tennis Art 2022

The Tennis Art Gala is a cyclical event aimed at supporting sick children in need of help. The action is accompanied by a Doubles Tennis Tournament combined with an auction of works by artists, at which, thanks to OFUTUREzone, art-NFT will appear for the first time!
Danny Ingrassia: interview

Contemporary Lynx met with Danny Ingrassia, an Italian artist from Palermo, to talk about NFT, dark art, and his inspirations. Danny Ingrassia’s art can be seen in, a digital gallery of modern art. Inspired by Leanardo da Vinci and other classical artists, Ingrassia’s work is an interesting artistic fusion where the classic intertwines with the horror vision of our world.
art NFT collecting

The rise of NFTs in 2021 has also led to an increased interest in the traditional art world. This, however, raised fundamental questions: Do the habits of NFT collectors also apply to art NFT collectors? Will art NFTs remain or disappear again? And what are the true motivations for collecting art NFTs?
forest subscription

Aware of the increasing carbon footprint on our planet, we decided not to sit with folded hands, but to act! We develop our activities thanks to the startup Eco Tree, which undoubtedly favors the fight for land.
NFT’s and crime

NFT popularity skyrocketed in 2021. Chainalysis tracked a minimum $44.2 billion worth of cryptocurrency sent to Ethereum smart contracts associated with NFT marketplaces and collections ? up from just $106 million in 2020.
welcome in OFUTURE zone

We are pleased to inform you that the OFUTURE zone project has just started and from that moment its development will be unstoppable.