a new journey

by Bartłomiej Jędrzejewski

The leitmotif of this work is, as the title suggests, a journey. Two mice, perhaps a father and a daughter, wearing backpacks, are looking for their way, which they could set off into the unknown. Will it be a dangerous journey, or maybe an exciting one? It is not known. It will definitely be unusual and will change the character’s life. The work is very up-to-date, because it also brings to mind a topic that is very dear to us recently, i.e. the history of refugees. However, nice, friendly, warm colors indicate hope and a good path that awaits the two characters. Pastel colors boost the positive vibes you can feel when looking at this work. It makes us think that this journey will end happily.

0,91 ETH

Bartłomiej Jędrzejewski

concept artist

Concept artist and illustrator born in Poland. In his works, he uses a wide range of modern digital techniques, but also likes to refer to traditional ones. While painting, the artist focuses not only on creating a sense of credibility while maintaining the principles of the painting technique, but also in every work he tries to create a story with its own context and narrative that will be able to fascinate and evoke emotions. A recurring theme in his works is the journey and exploration of mysterious, unknown worlds full of unexpected encounters and amazing phenomena.

In his free time, he loves to travel. He always has a sketchbook with him for these occasions. Currently lives in Opole (PL), where he works as an illustrator and art director for a board game publisher.

an unexpecting meeting

4 742 x 1 692 px

0,91 ETH

an uncertain retreat

6 486 x 2 509 px

1,05 ETH

night walk

3 243 x 1 328 px

0,91 ETH

floating islands

6 314 x 3 000 px

0,91 ETH

a new journey

5 938 x 2 969 px

1,05 ETH

genesis - second chance

3 500 x 3 500 px

1,05 ETH

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